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Halloween Safety Tips

The top reasons kids visit hospitals on Halloween, & tips on how to proactively avoid the trip!


Use soft, flexible props and weapons. Nothing sharp or rigid.


Make sure costumes, wigs and accessories are made of flame-resistant materials.

Consider pumpkin painting as a jack-o-lantern alternative.

Try a flameless candle or glow stick instead of a candle in jack-o-lanterns.

Keep candlelit jack-o-lanterns, and all other candles, away from curtains and other flammable objects.

Never leave candles unattended.


Avoid wearing long, baggy, loose, costumes or oversized shoes.

Use face paint instead of masks that can obstruct vision.

Make sure hats fit and will not slide down over the child's eyes.

Go only to well-lit houses.

Clear your own walkway of debris.


A parent or responsible adult should always accompany young children.

Use flashlights, and reflective tape on bags and costumes to be more visible.

Cross only at corners.

Stay on the sidewalk.

If there's no sidewalk, walk facing traffic.

Don't cross between parked cars.

If you drive: drive extra slowly.

Have children get out of the car curbside, not street-side.

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